Min age limit

For AXA and AIG, the policyholder has to be at least 18 years old to own a policy. He/she may also include children in the cover. 

A person under 18 will not be able to own a policy, hence he/she will not be covered by the insurance if he/she travels alone. 

Max age limit

For AXA and AIG, they did not specify impose a limit on a person's maximum age, rather some of the benefits will be reduced significantly if a person 70 years or older. example. AIG reduces the medical expense benefit for a 70 year old from $2 million to $200,000. For more information on the benefits that are affected, please refer to the respective brochure or feel free to drop us an email. 

AIG's definition of a child in their policy document

CHILD, CHILDREN shall mean an unmarried person or persons not older than 18 years of age or below 23 years of age if enrolled for full-time study in a recognized institution of learning or higher learning during the Policy period.

AXA's definition of a child in their policy document 

For Child Cover,  

- You have to be unmarried, unemployed; and 

- below 18 years old, or up to 25 years old if studying full-time in a recognized institution of higher learning; and

- the application must be made in the name of Your parent or an adult authorized by Your parent.